Focus on the UND Law Family - Emily Ramage

Emily Ramage, a Watford City, N.D., native, is entering her third year of law school this fall. Emily was recently awarded the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation scholarship and is currently practicing at Crowley Fleck, PLLP in Williston, N.D., for the summer.
What was your reaction to receiving the RMMLF scholarship? I honestly was blown away. I knew that I had all of the requisite qualifications to be a candidate for the scholarship; however, I never expected to actually be chosen! This scholarship means so much to me because I will be able to focus more time on my education and less time stressing about finances.
Do you plan on attending RMMLF’s annual institute on July 19-21? Yes, I will be attending the RMMLF's annual institute in Victoria, BC, Canada.
What qualifications do you have that made you a good candidate for the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation (RMMLF) scholarship? My interest in natural resource law developed through growing up in the heart of the Bakken Oil Fields. My family is from Watford City, which is located in the geographic center of the Bakken Formation. This upbringing led me to become very interested in the oil and gas industry and ultimately pursue a career in the oil and gas industry in Williston, ND. I have a strong commitment to Western North Dakota and my community. Although the oil boom has died down a lot in the past year, the need for legal services has not. I am very passionate about achieving my Juris Doctorate because I look forward to being able to help others from my community. I have seen firsthand the impact that the oil boom has left on my hometown community, and I intend to return to assist those who are still in need. The hardworking men and women in the industry need to know that they are the backbone of our state. They deserve strong leadership in the court system that will do its best to represent them, advocate for higher labor standards, and protect them with fair and balanced representation. Farmers and landowners in the area need and deserve to have attorneys who care and will spend the day listening to them and helping them understand their rights and options in complicated mineral transactions. Further, everyone deserves to have their loved ones walk in the door at the end of a shift or contract and attorneys working in the area can advocate for safe work environments and represent injured parties in personal injury law suits. Attorneys working in the area can accomplish all of these goals, and I hope to become one of them in the future.
Have you had any internships that have positively benefitted you? I will be practicing in a rural, high-demand location this summer and after graduation. I have accepted employment for this summer at Crowley Fleck, PLLP in Williston, ND, where I will be predominantly working on oil and gas litigation. I have a love and respect for the land and for the communities that have seen exponential growth over the past five years of the Bakken Oil Boom, and I eagerly await being able to make a difference in my own way.
What type of law do you hope to practice? My family is extremely important to me, so I want to pursue a practice that allows me to be close to my parents who currently live in Watford City, ND. Being from Western North Dakota, I am very interested in Oil & Gas and hope to pursue a career where I can work in the industry.
What made you want to pursue law school at UND? I wanted to go to law school because of my positive experience as a Political Science Major at the University of North Dakota. I had a lot of support and encouragement from my professors to continue my education at UND School of Law. It was a great fit for me because I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in only three years at UND and wanted to continue my education. Additionally, I was drawn to the school because of the exceptional education at a phenomenal value.
What do you enjoy most about law school? The thing that I enjoy the most about law school is everything we learn about in each class is new and exciting. There is rarely a time when we cover topics that I already understand, which makes each reading assignment and classroom lecture engaging and challenging. Additionally, I really enjoy being able to take elective classes in subject areas that are of interest to me.
What is life outside of law school like for you? I really enjoy outdoor activities and spend most of my free time outdoors! I enjoy traveling, hiking, biking, camping, kayaking, spending time at the lake, and yoga.
Tell us a “fun fact” about yourself I became an American Citizen in 2002! I was born in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada! I was a UND Hockey Cheerleader for two years in undergraduate.