Symposium on Implicit Bias in the Legal Profession
Saturday, September 21, 2019 | UND School of Law Baker Courtroom
This day-long symposium is hosted and sponsored by the SBAND Women Lawyers Section and the University of North Dakota School of Law
Saturday, September 21, 2019 | UND School of Law Baker Courtroom
This day-long symposium is hosted and sponsored by the SBAND Women Lawyers Section and the University of North Dakota School of Law
The symposium is approved for 6.0 ND Ethics Credits or 6.0 ND General CLE Credits . An application has been submitted for MN CLE, Ethics, and Elimination of Bias Credits
- Early-bird registration fee: $50.00 if payment is received by August 30, 2019
- Regular registration fee: $60.00 if payment is received by September 17, 2019
- On-site registration fee: $65.00
Reduced registration fee for students, NDANO members or anyone with financial need:
Reduced registration fee for students who do not want a boxed lunch: $0.00
Please write your check to "SBAND Women Lawyers Section" with "Symposium Registration" in the memo line and send it to:
Julia Ernst
UND School of Law
215 Centennial Drive, Stop 9003
Grand Forks, ND 58202
A box lunch is not guaranteed for registration fee payments received after September 17, 2019. If you have any questions about the symposium, or if you need to cancel and would like a reimbursement of your registration fee minus a $10.00 processing fee, please contact Julia Ernst at
11:30-12:00: Registration and Box Lunch
12:00-1:30: The Practical Implications of Unexamined Assumptions
- Teri McMurtry-Chubb, Visiting Distinguished Professor of Law, UIC John Marshall Law School
1:30-1:45: Break
1:45-3:15: Challenges in the Legal System Concerning People Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Pam Smith, Coordinator, Adult Outreach Services, North Dakota School for the Deaf/Resource Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Devils Lake, ND
- Kathy Frelich, Adult Outreach Specialist, North Dakota School for the Deaf/Resource Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Devils Lake, ND
3:15-3:30: Break
3:30-5:00: Challenges Facing New Americans and Recent Immigrants as Lawyers, Litigants, and Others Working or Interacting with the Legal System
- Olufemi Adisa, DOJ Accredited Representative, Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, Fargo
- Patty Castro (Moderator), Attorney, KPMW PLLP, Grand Forks, ND
- Ifrah Esse, Small Business Owner and Attorney, Grand Forks, ND
- Kit Johnson, Professor, Oklahoma U. College of Law, Norman, OK
- Reis Pagtakhan, Partner, MLT Aikins LLP, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Cynthia Shabb, Executive Director, Global Friends Coalition, Grand Forks, ND
5:00-5:15: Break
5:15-6:45: Trailblazers—Reflections on Opportunities and Challenges for Women Lawyers Past & Present
- Laurie Fontaine, Presiding Judge, Northeast Judicial District Court, Cavalier, ND
- Laurel Forsberg, Partner, McKennett Law Firm, Williston, ND
- Teri McMurtry-Chubb, Visiting Distinguished Professor, UIC John Marshall Law Sch., Chicago, IL
- Tammy Oltz (Moderator), Professor, University of North Dakota School of Law, Grand Forks, ND
- Lolita Romanick, Judge, Northeast Central Judicial District Court, Grand Forks, ND
- Rebecca Thiem, Serkland Law Firm, Bismarck, ND
6:45-8:30: Reception Sponsored by the University of North Dakota School of Law
Reduced Rate Hotels (ask for the “Women Lawyers Section” block of rooms)
Hilton Garden Inn, 4301 James Ray Drive, Grand Forks, ND (701-775-6000): $95.00
Canad Inn, 1000 S. 42nd Street, Grand Forks, ND (701-772-8404): $109.00
Parking - Parking is available free of charge in the lot directly behind the Archives Coffee shop. Signage on University Avenue will direct you to the lot or you can view this map.